Fazit – das Wirtschaftsblog

Fazit - das Wirtschaftsblog

Für alle, die’s genau wissen wollen: In diesem Blog blicken wir tiefer in Börsen und andere Märkte - meist mit wissenschaftlicher Hilfe

27. Dez. 2011
von Patrick Bernau


Should governments cut their spending? Alberto Alesina’s Answer

Can austerity programs make economies grow? A fierce debate is going on, starting with a study by Alberto Alesina. Now, he replies to his critics. To me, Alesina sounds softer. He attacks Paul Krugman, but he admits that spending cuts might reduce growth in the short run if they are badly executed – while still stressing that they were the only way to get government debt down. By Patrick Bernau Weiterlesen

27. Dez. 2011
von Patrick Bernau